Monday, September 14, 2009

Remy has a bit of a fever this morning, about 101 degrees Fahrenheit. He doesn't seem terribly unhappy and is lying on the couch watching Maisy. That Maisy is off the chain. She does what she wants. I approve of this crudely-drawn show.

Ender had a fever last week. Spent a lot of time watching Wall-E. We watch and name the things we see. Both twins are getting pretty good at identifying garbage and astral phenomena. "Atari."




Excellent. Their training is coming along well. I will also pull up Youtube videos of space shuttle launches and animations. What I would like is a Wall-E guided tour of the universe. Wall-E could travel through space and observe all sorts of stuff. Maybe even a DVD menu where you plot your own course.

Damn you, Disney. These kids could be geniuses if you weren't so busy trying to market every single lamp post that appears in a Pixar film. Oh Pixar. It was nice while it lasted.